Mencari Madonna

Mencari Madonna Looking for Madonna is a 2005 film by Indonesian director John de Rantau. Produced to raise awareness of HIVAIDS in Papua, it starred Clara Sinta, Samuel Tunya, and Minus C. Caroba.

When Yolandas family discover her infection, they burn her alive as she has shamed the family. Together with Minus, Joseph now aware that he is infected makes his way back to his hometown to look for a job cutting agarwood. In town, they meet a prostitute named Madonna Clara Sinta, who was sent to Papua from Java by her pimp after being infected with AIDS.When she discovers that Joseph is also infected, she takes him in, while refusing advances by other woodcutters. When he dies, Madonna and Minus mourn in their own ways, Madonna by lighting a candle and Minus by watching a video of his friend. ........

Source: Wikipedia